Saturday 19 May 2007

How to read

I have a 3 stage reading method. I start by reading a lot of blogs and doing lots of research on books to buy. I then check out the books I'm interested in very quickly in a bookshop if possible.

After I've bought the book I will read quite quickly (although should probably scan read more). If the book is any good I will add it to my re-read pile. The books that make it to this stage get read a bit more slowly and I write notes throughout which are then summarised .

I try to refer to my notes often and keep trying to implement the ideas (the principle that knowledge not used is quickly lost). Then the really exceptional books I will read again and will study, quiz myself, present on it etc Basically anything I can do to internalise the whole book!

In Summary:
1-pass: v.quick read 1-3 hrs
2-pass: slow read writing notes throughout. Then summaries notes & blog :)
3-pass: study & analyse feeling that I could write a thesis/give a keynote speech on it!

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