Tuesday 15 May 2007

On Writing Well

by William Zinsser (audiobook)

This was my first foray into the world of audiobooks. Whilst the amount of content had to be much reduced it was great to hear the words of the author from his own mouth.

The two tests of knowledge are: can you remember it and can you use it. This audiobook has scored highly in both. I've applied these principles frequently at work and can remember them all. I found the concepts much easier to learn as they were repeated and continually emphasised by the author. I wonder if it would be helpful to both read a book on a subject and hear the audiobook so the principles really do sink in.

4 key points to consider when writing:
1) Clarity - is your message clear?
2) Simplicity - eliminate any excessive verbosity :)
3) Brevity - cut in half your last piece of writing
4) Humanity - is it you?

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