Sunday 20 May 2007

Why not?

by Barry Nalebuff & Ian Ayres

This book sets out a method for finding ideas. It's expanded my thinking on how to generate ideas. Of course, the proof will be in the implementation. I'll let you know!

Some of the methods from the book:
1) Look for problems - what could solve it?
2) Look for solutions - are there any problems that they could also apply to?
3) How could you solve the problem if you were extremely wealthy?
4) What happens if you flip the problem/solution around?
5) Can you internalise some of the negative externalities caused?
6) Set some unbreakable principles of the problem to help generate ideas

This book got me thinking about the advantage of being the first follower ie. once you know someone has been successful with a new idea. Take their lessons and implement/execute far better...

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